Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Brown Bunny (2003)

For the most part, the first 70 minutes of Vincent Gallo's deeply personal film, The Brown Bunny, are about as boring to me as the life of a motorcycle racer traveling solo across the country. Often five (plus) minutes go by without a peep in an isolated country side containing just a bit of windswept hair. Bud Clay, played by Vincent Gallo, creates a suffocating atmosphere of loneliness and loss as he juggles his sexual tendencies between prostitutes and his lover. Gallo's pretensions are mostly concealed by a reflective, poignant, and emotional story, but this only reveals itself toward the dying minutes. The final scene tries to give retrospect and make up lost ground, but, unfortunately for Gallo, a BJ could not fully redeem this film. There isn't much more to say as there isn't much here.

6/10 - steven

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